
A Closer Look at Dockless Fees and If Operators Can Make a Profit

How will New DDOT fees affect dockless? Who Knows. Image: Author During the Wednesday, November 7 D.C. Bicycle Advisory Council (BAC) meeting, the group discussed the proposed District Department of Transportation (DDOT) regulatory framework of rules regarding dockless bike sharing right-of-way permitting and related DDOT fees for potential operators. According to the D.C. Register , the proposed rule-making would amend Title 24 of the D.C. transportation regulations to establish a public right-of-way occupancy permit program to manage the dockless vehicle operating companies and establish permit fees for dockless vehicle operating companies who operate in the public right-of-way. It appears that DDOT has posted the application procedure in anticipation of approval. Presumably, the new permit rules would apply to scooters but they would require a separate permit. You should look at the proposed rule yourself and submit comments - your opinion is as good as anyone else. ...

Bikeep Bike Parking Pilot comes to the Wilson Building

The Bike Estate - Providence Place

The Bike Estate - Southern Hills Apartment Redevelopment Includes Bikes in its Plan

The Bike Estate - 1900 Half Street SW Adds Vehicle Parking but Still Provides an Adequete Number of Bike Amenities

DDOT Construction Update - March 3 - March 18

The Sustainable DC 2.0 Working Group Has a Survey with Lofty Goals

DDOT Weekly Construction Update: February 18 through March 4

You Want a Better #BikeDC? - Testify at an Oversight Hearing

14th Street NW Corridor Gets Another Look